We want to thank the American Bonanza Society for holding their Maintenance Academy Seminar here in our Gemco Aviation maintenance hangar. They were here the first weekend in November with a full class in attendance, including three of our own technicians. The ABS Maintenance Academy is a two day event consisting of classroom and hands-on training specializing in the Beech Bonanza and Baron. It is a great class filled with valuable insight and information.
We have been very busy
improving our airport!
When you land here at Youngstown Elser Metro Airport (4G4) you’ll see that we have recently sealed and repainted the runway and all the taxiways. The results are spectacular! Stop by and see for yourself!
We also upgraded our T hangars with new roofs.
We continue to keep our customers and their aircraft safe from Mother Nature.

improving our airport!
When you land here at Youngstown Elser Metro Airport (4G4) you’ll see that we have recently sealed and repainted the runway and all the taxiways. The results are spectacular! Stop by and see for yourself!
We also upgraded our T hangars with new roofs.
We continue to keep our customers and their aircraft safe from Mother Nature.